TIME-DISTANCE-SPEED consists of three charts with explanation examples. The first chart, Distance/Time = Yards per second, displays how fast a dog ran in yards per second in a specific time. The second chart, Plus (+) or Minus (-) Yards per second, displays the number of yards per second to add or deduct from a dog's yards per second speed rate when it changes race distance. The charts are revised editions of the originals which were placed into and remained in a file cabinet folder for over seventeen years. They were designed for greyhound race enthsiasts who include finish time as a factor when they handicap greyhound races especially when a greyhound is entered in a shorter to longer or longer to shorter distance race. The third chart, Grade Systems for All Greyhound Race Tracks - U.S.A. and Mexico is especially beneficial when a greyhound ships in from a different track. 64 Pgs. 2014